Adventure for the mind and body
Our challenge course programs promote positive personal and community development by providing fun, safe and adventurous opportunities
Sweat. Guts. Trust. Goals. Fun. They’re all part of the Adventure Ropes Course Program, a carefully structured series of outdoor activities designed to expand the physical, intellectual, social, and emotional resources of all participants.
Our adventure challenge course is one of the premier ropes courses in Connecticut. It is made of ropes, logs, cable, and platforms in the trees to compose over a dozen “elements” or “initiatives” with names like Giant’s Ladder, Space Loops, Mohawk Walk, Wild Woozy, Grand Canyon and Leap of Faith. Low ropes initiatives may be only two feet off the ground; high ropes elements are in the treetops, up to fifty feet high. We have several Zip Lines and Zap Lines, as well!
How We Do It…
The Adventure Ropes Course is an experience in group dynamics with individual growth as the strong central focus. The program is an adventure for both body and mind. While most activities do challenge physical stamina, they are usually a greater test of inner strength.
Our adventure challenge course is one of the premier ropes courses in Connecticut. It is made of ropes, combined with logs, cable, and trees to compose over a dozen “elements” or “initiatives” with names like Giant’s Ladder, Pirate’s Crossing, Mohawk Walk, and Wild Woozey.
Low ropes initiatives may be only two feet off the ground; other high ropes elements are in the treetops, up to forty feet high. Some initiatives require participants to work as a team; others are tackled individually, with group members acting as supporters.
Ropes course activities employ basic technical rock climbing hardware and ropes. The instructors are certified in proper equipment use and have been trained in leadership and small-group management techniques. Participants are taught the skills necessary to fully and safely enjoy each element.
Ropes course adventures, whether on the high ropes or the low ropes, are conducted in an atmosphere of strong support designed to encourage quantum leaps in self-confidence and group accomplishment. You needn’t have the heart of a daredevil to find the course both rewarding and fun.
Growing from “group” to “TEAM”!
Cohesiveness Doesn’t Happen Automatically
It is the creative spirit that gives people functioning in groups an edge when faced with all of the challenges and changes in today’s world. People working together maintain that edge through cooperative effort.
This requires personal initiative and responsibility, two cornerstones of a cohesive team. This cohesiveness doesn’t happen automatically, but it can be achieved through a learning process that enables a “group” of individuals to mature into a “team”–pulling together, listening to and supporting each other, and improving their performance.
We custom design unique programs for each group that visits us based on an assessment of its specific needs and goals. Our programs can transform the most disparate group into a unified team in a matter of a few hours or days and have every member loving it!
Creative Risk Taking is Coupled with Attention to Safety
Group members are physically involved, but the challenges are more mental than physical. Participants learn to think under stress, even when there is no real danger.
Learning is heightened when a perceived risk is involved. It may be a physical risk, such as the fear of falling, or an emotional one, involving opening up in honest communication with others.
Safety is of paramount concern at all times. Challenge events are well designed, and professional safety equipment is used. Skilled facilitators work with participants every step of the way.
The entire adventure is infused with fun and humor. A good laugh at ourselves renews us and strengthens our bonds, in addition to reinforcing learning.
Vivid Outdoor Images Remain Long Afterward
To carry over a lesson into real life applications one must “own” it through experience. We present each activity as a unique situation that invites involvement. A graphic lesson in trust, learned from a fall backward into teammates’ supporting arms, is not likely to fade quickly.
Vivid outdoor images remain long afterward to be called up later at group meetings, strategy sessions, or times of personal stress–reminders of new perspectives on problem-solving and facing challenges!
Long-lasting benefits can include greater self-confidence, improved communication, motivation, teamwork and leadership; improved decision making, improved creativity and conflict resolution skills, increased productivity, commitment to the organization, and improved morale.
A Fresh Perspective is Given to Patterns of Interaction
Our challenge course takes your group to a new setting in the outdoors where a fresh perspective is given to the group and its patterns of interaction.
A series of unfamiliar tasks helps to unfreeze previous thought patterns and expectations. Traditional roles are shed as participants don comfortable outdoor garb. Each member can become receptive to new ways of thinking and doing.
Structured physical and mental challenges are introduced that cannot be solved by individuals working alone, but must be tackled by an entire group working actively together. Leadership emerges, perhaps at unexpected times and from unexpected people. Our facilitators capitalize on the group’s experience with discussion of the group’s new insights and skills gained, and how they might be applied to real problems in the classroom, community, workplace, and at home.
Participating Intensely at All Levels Seals the Learning
A holistic approach to learning includes mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Participating intensely at all of these levels seals the learning as no classroom lecture possibly can. Our challenge course training involves the whole person, assuring that the impact of the lessons is indelible.
Physical prowess and strength are not required. People of all ages and levels of fitness participate wholeheartedly. Honest efforts are recognized and successes are celebrated. The group must assess its own strengths and limitations, and bring forth each individual’s best efforts and commitment in order to meet each challenge.
That commitment becomes a bond among teammates that endures and strengthens the decision-making process when “real world” pressure is on them later. When a team member needs the support of his fellow, it is a practiced trait of wisdom and strength to ask for it.

Arrange a ropes course event for your group!
Careful consideration of your motivations for participating in a challenge course program is the first step!
Custom designs
Each course is custom designed with activities and themes tailored to the character and goals of a particular group. Most courses follow a general pattern of introductory warm-up games and orientation activities, followed by concerted exercises in safety and trust building, and then a virtually limitless series of escalating challenge events.
Varied Program Lengths
Program lengths vary from brief recreational outings of as little as two hours to day-long and multiple day events spread across weeks or months and geared to specific educational, developmental or therapeutic goals.
4-Season programming
We schedule challenge courses throughout the year, taking into account our organization’s primary commitment to our own summer youth camp, the availability of our certified staff, and any reasonably anticipated weather conditions.
flexible costs
Program costs vary depending on time spent on the course and the number of facilitators required in serving a group’s needs. Charges are typically include a rental fee for use of the facilities and a facilitator fee based on the number of facilitators needed and the level of expertise required. These details are negotiable based on the goals and resources of your organization.